Chin Implants

Small volume deficits that exist at different levels of the face can be repaired by using volume products, such as injectables, own fat or when there are volume deficits, bone structure can be used for the implants. Among the latter, the chin implants are often used to correct the facial appearance, respectively the chin profile.
Facial implants are made tougher and more malleable and can be "chipped" so as to better match the acceptor area. A minimal incision is used, usually located in the mouth. The chin implant incision is either in the lower buccal vestibule or in a very well hidden natural crease.

Cheek implant incisions are made in the upper buccal vestibule and through a subperiosteal approach. These implants are inserted in areas where there are shortages.
The operation is done under general anesthesia and the healing process lasts several days. Subsequently, for several weeks, great care regarding the face hygiene maneuvers must be taken, because every little bump can mobilize the chin or malar implant in an unwanted direction.

The implant should be kept in the position that was inserted in during surgery for a period of 4 to 6 weeks, just enough to enhance the process of healing around the implant.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the chin implant recommended?

Facial implants are indicated to restore harmony and ideal facial proportions, if there are no malformations of the bone structure at this level. The chin implants are used to treat the lack of bone prominence of the chin. The results are extremely good with a high degree of patients satisfaction. The implants can be used both in women and men, regardless of age or race. The implant size is determined before the surgery and if necessary readjusted during the intervention.
What are the contraindications of the chin implant?

Contraindications are serious blood and skin diseases, diabetes, infectious and autoimmune diseases.

Is chin implant a painful surgery?

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and postoperative pain is countered with analgesics. Subsequently the implant should be kept in the place that was inserted in by the use of special dressings to prevent their mobilization.

Does the chin implant surgery have a definitive result?

The result is definitive. It is possible that after a number of years (10-15), due to the natural or pathological bone resorption, to the need for a new surgery may appear, in order to replace the existing implant with another one, larger, to compensate for the deficit of volume. Sometimes this technique may be associated with the own fat transfer technique, procedure called microlipofiling.

What are the postoperative care instructions for chin implants?

Postoperative dressings will be changed every 2-3 days, the suture material is extracted somewhere between days 7 and 10. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication is prescribed for at least 5 days. Analgesics are prescribed for a few days after the operation, if necessary. The implant must not be moved for 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery as to allow the scarring around the implant to consolidate.

Are there any visible scars after a chin implant surgery?

Scars are hidden in the mouth. If the chin implant was placed in by a submental crease, there will be a very less visible scar.

What are the risks of chin implant surgery?

The risks of the surgery are the same as for any surgery, plus the risks of general anesthesia. There is also the risk that the implant migrates in an undesirable position and it gets fixed there. This problem can be corrected with another surgery.

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!
Suna Acum