Genital surgery

Women can reach orgasm through clitoral, vaginal or G-spot stimulation. "G Spot" is the name of an erogenous zone inside the vagina. It's called "G" after the name of Ernest Grafenberg, who described this area. When this area is stimulated the orgasm that occurs is accompanied in some women by the expulsion of a liquid.

The G spot is located on the front of the vagina, under the symphysis pubis, about 5-6 cm of the external orifice, and is represented by an area of tissue with striations, with very rich vascularization and innervated. Its size can vary from one woman to another, and sometimes can not be easily located. It is generally about 2-3 cm in diameter.

Because it is in that portion of the vagina which is convex and difficult to access, physicians and aestheticians have imagined and patented a technique for the augmentation of the G spot. This involves injecting volume occupying products such as hyaluronic acid at this level so as to obtain an increased exposure during sex.

This seems to be one of the most effective methods of treating frigidity.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia, lasts about 20 to 30 minutes, the patient goes home immediately, and the result can be proved in 3 to 5 days time. The intervention should be repeated at intervals of 9 to 12 months. The same can be done using own fat microlipofiling.

The medical indication is to do firstly a G-spot augmentation with resorbable products and then, if the patient is satisfied with the results, to use the patients own fat.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the healing process take after G Spot augmentation?

Total healing takes three days, during which time the used product is quite malleable and can migrate in an undesirable area. There are no local symptoms except for a possible slight bleeding that should disappear in less than 30 minutes.

How soon after the G Spot augmentation surgery can sexual activity be resumed?

Although there is no local pain, it is recommended that you respect the three days of sexual rest to minimize the risk of product migration.

Is G Spot augmentation a painful surgery?

The surgery can be done without anesthesia or with light local anesthesia. 

What are the risks of G Spot augmentation surgery?

The risk is of heavy bleeding immediately after the surgery, in which case a sterile dressing needs to be inserted into the vagina and left in place for 2-3 hours. Migrating material mentioned before is a real risk. If this happens, then the results will be unsatisfactory and the surgery will have to be redone by injecting a bigger dose of the product.

How long does the effect of G Spot augmentation last?

The effect lasts about 9 or 10 months, after which time the injections will have to be redone. If you decide on using injection with your own fat, then the effects last longer after 2 or 3 treatments. 

 Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

The clitoris is located in the anterior portion of the vulva and is a sensitive structure, richly innervated with a role in producing and maintaining sexual arousal. At rest, the clitoris is not normally visible, being located in a "sleeve" of skin that protects it from external stimulation. During sex it becomes erect and becomes evident at the vulva.

Sometimes this integumentary sheath is very prominent, with a significant skin excess in the area. This extra tissue prevents clitoral erection and the woman can not reach orgasm. By excision of excess skin a possible cause of frigidity can be treated.

The operation consists in the excision of a portion of the skin surrounding the clitoris so that it is more easily accessible during sex. The surgery is similar, at least in theory, with circumcision for men. Local tissue plasty should be planned so not to cause strictures or painful retractile scars.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the healing process last after the circumcision of the clitoris?

Healing lasts about 7 to 10 days, during which time the area must be cared for with extreme attention. Sexual stimulation during the healing period is forbidden because it can be painful and it can damage the local sutures.

How soon after the clitoris circumcision surgery can I resumed my sex life?

Sexual activity can be resumed after about 3 or 4 weeks, interval which provides sufficient time for wound closure and appropriate healing of the operated area.

Is the circumcision of the clitoris a painful surgery?

The surgery is not painful because it is conducted under local (epidural) anesthesia or general anesthesia (on request). Common painkillers are enough to counteract the postoperative discomfort.

What about the preoperative preparations for the circumcision of the clitoris?

Before the surgery a series of blood tests have to be done in order to exclude the possibility of blood clotting problems. The vulvar area is extremely well vascularized and bleeding can be very heavy. With at least 2 weeks before the surgery it is necessary to stop taking any drugs, except those prescribed by your surgeon. Starting a few days before surgery you will have to keep your vaginal hygiene with warm water and antiseptic vaginal soap, then insert into the vagina an ovule with Betadine.

The last meal will be the evening before the day of surgery, meal consisting of easier to digest foods. After that it is forbidden to eat, drink water or chew gum. The stomach should be empty of secretions and food in the event that it is decided that the operation will be done under general anesthesia.

What does the postoperative care consist of in the case of the circumcision of the clitoris?

Due to the postoperative bleeding risk you will need to stay in the clinic under medical surveillance for 24 hours. Adter this you will prescribed a series of antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and vaginal ovules with betadine. Antiseptic powders are welcome and should be applied after each wash with soap and water. It is preferable to use special soaps for this area because they are not as aggressive and help healing. Betadine soap is also very useful. Dressings are not mandatory if you stay in the house. Underwear is not mandatory in the house. If you go out of the house you need to use an external pad and underpants that are not very tight. Do not wear tight pants for at least 3 to 4 weeks after the surgery. Cycling is not recommended, neither sitting for more than half an hour without a break, for a period of at least 4 weeks after the surgery. Massaging the operated area is prohibited for at least 4 weeks.

What are the possible complications of the clitoris circumcision surgery?

Unwanted bleeding may occur so it is better to stay under medical surveillance for 24 hours after the surgery. Wound infection or loosening may occur if the postoperative care instructions for the operated area are not followed. Subsequently disorders of the healing process may occur - not likely in this area.  

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

The correction of labia minora that is developed in excess is done through surgery which involves shortening and shaping them. There are many correction techniques, depending on the anatomy of each patient.

The results are very good provided that there are good conditions for healing. Labiaplasty is a delicate surgery that requires a skilled surgeon and should not be regarded as a simple excision of skin as some are tempted to do. Incisions should be carefully positioned and sutured to not cause asymmetric scarring or thongs.

The correction of labia majora means its shrinkage and is less demanded and practiced, but it is possible when necessary. The incision is made at the boundary between the two types of skin so that it is possible to adjust both types of skin if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the healing process last after the labia minora and labia majora correction surgery?

Healing takes about 10 days. Usually at this level there are not used wires that must be removed, but only absorbable threads. The hygienic conditions should be very good, the patient is advised to wash with soap and warm water after each urination. She can also use various disinfectant powders or ointments (recommended by the doctor). 

How soon after the labia minora and labia majora correction surgery can I resume my sex life?

Sexual activity can be resumed immediately after the healing process is completed. Best would be a sexual rest for 3 weeks postoperatively. 

Is the labia minora and labia majora correction a painful surgery?

It is not a painful surgery as it is performed under general anesthesia when associated with other procedures, or on request. If it is the only intervention done, it is recommended that local anesthesia is used, being very effective and lasting long enough to cover the entire operative period.

What about the preoperative preparation for the labia minora and labia majora correction surgery?

Before the surgery a series of blood tests have to be done in order to exclude the possibility of blood clotting problems. The vulvar area is extremely well vascularized and bleeding can be very heavy. At least 2 weeks before the surgery it is necessary to stop taking any drugs, except those prescribed by your surgeon. Starting a few days before the surgery you will have to keep your vaginal hygiene with warm water and antiseptic vaginal solutions, then insert into the vagina an ovule with Betadine.

Your last meal will be the evening before the day of surgery, a meal consisting of foods easier to digest. After that it is forbidden to eat, drink water or chew gum. The stomach should be empty of secretions and food in the event that it is decided that the operation will be conducted under general anesthesia.

What should I know about the labia minora and labia majora correction postoperative care?

Due to the postoperative bleeding risk you will have to stay in the clinic under medical surveillance for 24 hours. After that you will be prescribed a series of antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and toiletries with betadine vaginal ovules. Antiseptic powders are welcome and should be applied after each wash with soap and water. It is preferable to use special soaps for this area because they are not as aggressive and help healing. Betadine soap is also very useful. Dressings are not mandatory if you stay in the house. Also no underwear items are mandatory in the house. If you go out you need to use an external pad and underpants that are not very tight. Do not wear tight pants for at least 3-4 weeks after the surgery. Cycling is not recommended, also sitting for more than half an hour without a break, for a period of at least 4 weeks after the surgery.

What are the possible complications of the labia minora and labia majora correction surgery?

After the surgery there is a significant bleeding risk therefore you need to remain hospitalized for 24 hours. Bruising may occur on various areas, usually in the perineal location and sometimes down the thighs. If hygiene is not perfect wound infection may occur.

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

Tuning the labia majora is possible and has a rejuvenating effect. As we age, this level sees a decrease in tone and firmness, very smooth skin becoming flaccid. The way to improve the appearance of this anatomic segment is the microlipofiling technique, own fat injections. 

Also the use of injection with volume occupying products is a good solution to rejuvenate the area. The same products are used as for lip enlargement, but the injections have a temporary effect; the injections need to be repeated within 8 to 10 months.

Sometimes the patient also needs the ascension and excision of tissues that are too flabby or in excess, getting better results by combining several techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the healing process last after the labia majora rejuvenation surgery?

The healing period varies depending on the procedure chosen for rejuvenation. In the case of temporary injectables complete healing occurs in 3 days. If fat transfer was used then the healing period is longer, about 7-10 days. The area may be edematous and sometimes serious contusions appear.

How soon after the labia majora rejuvenation surgery can the sexual activity be resumed?

You can resume your sexual life immediately after healing. If this occurs in 3 days in the case of injections, then the sexual activity can be resumed after this period. Best would be a sexual rest of 3 weeks if it was used a surgical intervention.

Is the labia majora rejuvenation a painful surgery?

It is not a painful surgery as it is done under local anesthesia in the case of if injectables and local or general anesthesia (on request) in case of surgery. Common analgesics are usually sufficient to obtain good comfort after the surgery.

What about the preoperative preparation for the labia majora rejuvenation surgery?

Before the surgery a series of blood tests are needed in order to exclude the possibility of blood clotting problems. The vulvar area is extremely well vascularized and bleeding can be very heavy. With at least 2 weeks before the surgery it is necessary to stop taking any drugs, except those prescribed by your surgeon. Starting a few days before the surgery you will have to keep your vaginal hygiene with warm water and antiseptic vaginal soap, then insert into your vagina a vulva with Betadine. The last meal will be the evening before the day of surgery, a meal consisting of easier to digest foods. After this it is forbidden to eat, drink water or chew gum. The stomach should be empty of secretions and food in the event that it is decided that the surgery will be done under general anesthesia.

What about the labia majora rejuvenation postoperative care?

Due to the postoperative bleeding risk you will need to stay in the clinic under medical surveillance for 24 hours. After this you will be prescribed a series of antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and vaginal ovules with betadine. Antiseptic powders are welcome and should be applied after each wash with soap and water. It is preferable to use special soaps for this area because they are not as aggressive and help healing. Betadine soap is also very useful. Dressings are not mandatory if you stay in the house. Items of underwear are not mandatory in the house. If you go out of the house you need to use an external pad and underpants that are not very tight. Do not wear tight pants for at least 3-4 weeks after the surgery. Cycling is not recommended, neither sitting for more than half an hour without a break, for a period of at least 4 weeks after the surgery. Masaging the operated areas is prohibited for at least 4 weeks.

What are the possible complications of the labia majora rejuvenation surgery?

Postoperatively there is a significant bleeding risk thus the need to remain hospitalized for 24 hours. Bruising may occur on various areas, usually in the perineal location and sometimes down the thighs. As the fat is harvested from around the navel, bruising, pain, swelling etc. may develop. Local cold applications mitigate the symptoms. If the hygiene is not perfect, the wound can get infected.

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

The vagina is a tubular organ that connects external and internal genitalia, specifically the vulva and uterus. Its dimensions are variable depending on the size, breed, age.The vagina is a tubular organ that connects external and internal genitalia, specifically the vulva and uterus. Its dimensions are variable depending on the size, breed, age.

The vagina is a muscular organ that has the ability to adapt to the required diameter. Under certain physiological conditions (age, birth , heredity), this adaptability is exceeded due to the laxity installed in these muscles. An improvement in the sexual life can be achieved with a surgical correction.

Vaginoplasty is a procedure that involves correcting the vaginal lumen diameter by excision of portions of its lining and serial muscle suture. Another way of "narrowing" is by microlipofiling the vaginal lumen, injecting fat into the thickness of the vaginal wall, under its lining, until the desired result is obtained.

In both cases you need an epidural anesthesia, and the recovery after surgery takes about 5 days. Resumption of sexual intercourse can be done after 3-4 weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to heal after the vaginoplasty?

Healing of the suture trances usually takes 10 to 12 days. Absorbable suture material is used. The healing process is final in 4 weeks after the intervention, which is why you have to take a sexual rest for this long.

How soon after vaginoplasty can I resume my sex life?

Intercourse can be resumed in 3-4 weeks after the surgery. If this period is not respected it is possible that the muscle sutures could fail and the surgery will not be successful. In the case of microlipofiling the same period of sex rest is needed for the transplanted fat tissue to be integrate in the new location.

Is vaginoplasty a painful procedure?

The procedure is not painful because it is conducted under local (epidural) anesthesia or general anesthesia (on request). Common painkillers are enough to counteract the postoperative discomfort.

What about the preoperative preparations for vaginoplasty?

Before the surgery a series of blood tests need to be performed in order to exclude the possibility of blood clotting problems. The vulvar area is extremely well vascularized and bleeding can be very heavy. With at least 2 weeks before the surgery it is necessary to stop taking any drugs, except those prescribed by your surgeon. A few days before the surgery you will keep your vaginal hygiene with warm water and antiseptic vaginal soap, then insert an ovule with Betadine into the vagina. The last meal will be the evening before the day of surgery, meal consisting of easier to digest foods. After this it is forbidden to eat, drink water or chew gum. The stomach should be empty of secretions and food in the event that it is decided that the operation will be done under general anesthesia.

What should I know about the vaginoplasty postoperative care?

Due to the postoperative bleeding you need to stay in the clinic under medical surveillance for 24 hours. After this you will prescribed a series of antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and vaginal ovules with betadine. Antiseptic powders are welcome and should be applied after each wash with soap and water. It is preferable to use special soaps for this area as they are not as aggressive and help healing. Betadine soap is also very useful. Dressings are not mandatory if you stay in the house. Underwear is not mandatory in the house. If you go out you need to use an external pad and underpants that are not very tight. Do not wear tight pants at least 3-4 weeks after the surgery. Cycling is not recommended, neither sitting for more than half an hour without a break, for a period of at least 4 weeks after the surgery. Masaging the operated area is prohibited for at least 4 weeks.

What are the possible complications of vaginoplasty?

Immediate complications are unwanted heavy bleeding so it is better to remain under medical supervision for at least 24 hours. If you do not follow the postoperative care instructions, infection, wound dehiscence, hematoma, seroma etc. may occur.

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

Suna Acum