The Guyon’s Canal Syndrome

The Guyon's Canal Syndrome is a condition that occurs in the wrist and fingers 4 and 5 and it is caused by the compression of the ulnar nerve at the wrist ( see figure 1).

The syndrome may occur due to the development of a synovial cyst or posttraumatic. Symptoms are represented by tingling and numbness in the fingers 4 and 5. Same symptoms are present in the case of the cubital tunnel syndrome (the cubital neuritis) which is a compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow.

Therefore it is important that the correct diagnosis is made ​​based on clinical examination, laboratory and electrical investigations.

The treatment of choice for the Guyon's Canal Syndrome is surgical and requires relieving the ulnar nerve from the Guyon tunnel. The outstanding scar has the same location as in the surgery for the carpal tunnel syndrome.

Anatomical explanation:

The Guyon's Canal is located in the wrist, around the same location as the carpal tunnel, medial to it, being limited by pisiform bone and hamate bone (bone hook). ( see figure 2 ) Above it is bounded by fibrous structures. It contains the ulnar nerve and ulnar artery.

Results depend largely on the type of injury, its severity and the time since its appearance.

Suna Acum