Silhouette surgery

A toned and well proportioned body is considered a symbol of health and vitality. Fat deposits located anywhere on the body that do not respond to diet and exercise are successfully resolved through liposuction. Liposuction models certain parts of the body by removing excess fat, improving contours and proportions. Liposuction is not a weight loss method!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is liposuction?

Liposuction, also called lipoplasty or suction lipectomy, is the surgical removal of localized fat deposits. There are three technical variants:

  • Traditional liposuction, simply defined as removal of fat deposits by suction.
  • The intumescent technique (or "super wet" technique) which consists of the infusion of saline with added adrenaline and local anesthetic sodium bicarbonate before starting the actual extraction of fat
  • The ultrasonic-assisted lipoplasty technique in which ultrasonic energy is used to liquefy the fat which is then vacuumed

Liposuction can be used to remove fat deposits from the:

  • cheek, chin, neck
  • upper limbs
  • anterior and posterior thorax
  • abdomen and waist
  • hips and buttocks
  • thighs
  • internal region of the knee
  • calf and ankle

In some cases, liposuction can be associated with other aesthetic surgery techniques as: facelift, breast reduction, abdominoplasty.

Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity and not an effective treatment for cellulite. It is the ideal treatment to get a remodeling of areas that are disproportionate to the rest of the body.

The ideal candidates for this type of intervention are adults of any age, body mass contained in an interval of plus / minus 30% of the ideal form, elastic skin and good muscle tone. They must also meet the following citeria:

  • people with good health, with no diseases that could interfere with the healing process
  • non-smokers
  • fully understanding the procedure and objectively accepting the possible outcomes

Special considerations can get people with diseases such diabetes, hypertension, heart disease or a history of liposuction.

What should I know about the liposuction evaluation session?

A consultation with your surgeon is the first step in finding the details you are interested in about this technique. The discussions include information about:

  • your desires and what you can get by means of this technique
  • technical options
  • risks and complications of the procedure
  • an appropriate treatment plan recommended by your doctor

The consultation also includes an evaluation of your health status, both physical and emotional.

Is liposuction an individualized procedure?

Liposuction is a highly individualized procedure. The success of this procedure depends on a proper assessment of the patient and full awareness of the possible outcomes. Skin tone, elasticity and density of fat tissue and its distribution are factors that dictate the technique used and the outcome.


It is a surgical procedure. Practice requires tiny incisions near the area to be treated, whith variable sizes cannulas inserted. Sometimes the incision is so small that it does not require sutures. Fat is mobilized using a vacuum. A vacumizate syringe can be used for small areas. A syringe is used also when suction fat needs to be transfered in other areas of the body in order to increase the volume of the acceptor area (eg the lips), by means of microlipofiling. It can also be used to treat deep wrinkles.

The suctioned area will be bandaged with a a conformer bandaged specifically to help the skin to "fold" to the new content. Secondary interventions are sometimes necessary to remove excess skin.

After a healing period of about 14 days, weekly sessions of endermology are useful, to even further the liposuctioned area and to heal as slim as possible.

How do I have to do before a liposuction?

You will receive specific instructions that include:

  • pre-surgery considerations, diagnostic tests and medication required
  • instructions for the day of the surgery
  • information about the chosen form of anesthesia
  • postoperative care information

Possible risks are irregular contour, fallen skin or skin folds, nerve or skin damage, irregular pigmentation, infections of the treated area, "plugs" of fat or blood, increased fluid loss or fluid accumulation at the site of intervention. The ultrasonic method adds the risk of tissue burning. Also there are the risks of anesthesia.

What about the post-liposuction care?

An elastic bandage and compressions must be worn for two months. It helps to control the edema that develops after the surgery and compress the skin to your new content. You will receive instructions:

  • how to care for the treated area
  • medication against pain and potential infection
  • next consult

In general you should resume normal intensity activities as soon as possible. This prevents embolisms and other complications.

The surgical wound heals in between 5 and 10 days. The healing process continues for several weeks. You will need to check your weight throughout the healing process, because if you gain weight the liposuction results can be compromised.

Swelling may disappear in a few months. As it disappears it reveals the new body contour.

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

Liposculture is a mean of shaping the body through liposuction and / or lipofiling, highlighting certain areas of the body. For example, the abdominal fat can be suctioned so as to create the impression of very well crafted abdominal muscles. Or the pecs in men, they can be "carved" into the above fatty tissue.

On the buttocks the same thing can be done by vacuuming the subfesier trench and above the buttocks (lower back) so overall the buttocks appear more prominent. Eventually fat removed can be entered on the buttocks to increase their volume.

Using fatty tissue as a filling material was imagined and used for many years, but the results were discouraging. For several years the fat trasplantare technique experienced a clear improvement so today is increasingly used. The tools used in this sense have also known changes, currently being called the microlipofiling technique.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many liposculpture sessions are necessary to obtain the desired definitive results?

If liposculpture is dominated by liposuction then the results are definitive and often on the first intervention. Sometimes it takes small corrections that you can practice at least 2 months after the previous surgery.

If liposculture is done primarily through lipofiling then most likely adjustments will have to be made!

What areas of the body can be reshaped by means of liposculpture?

Almost any area of the body can be modeled in this way. Using a suitable instrument, the surgeon can access areas like the cheeks, arms, neck region, the chin or jaw etc.

What are the risks of liposculpture?

The risks of the surgery are those of general anesthesia, because these surgery is done under general anesthesia. If the areas remodeled are small, then the surgery can be done under local anesthesia.

Immediate postoperative bruising, swelling, pain and temporary local anesthesia may occur. All this will disappear in the next 2-3 weeks.

What are the contraindications for liposculpture?

Contraindications are serious blood and dermatological diseases, infectious diseases, chronic cardiovascular diseases, diabetes etc. In cases where fatty tissue is poorly represented this method of surgical body shaping can not be practiced.

How long is the recovery period after liposculpture?

The recovery period lasts 2-3 weeks. It is mandatory you obey your doctor's indications and also that you wear the elastic bandages prescribed to you. Recovery is much faster if you make a simple local massage or an endemologicy lymphatic drainage. The purpose is to reduce postoperative edema and to level and uniform the results. 

Final healing occurs after 6 months of surgery and consists of scarring tissue so a new liposuction correction in the same area will be very difficult. Any necessary correction may be made successfully within 6 months of surgery.

Therefore it is important to keep in touch with your doctor, to go to the postoperative controls so that your healing can be monitored.

There are specialists who practice any form of liposuction or liposculpture mandatory in 2 sessions with two months intervals between them, precisely because very often retouching is needed after surgery.

Pairing with lipolysis is welcome because it is frequently observed that touches can be done successfully by this method.

What should I know about the liposculpture postoperative care?

After surgery you will remain in the clinic for 24 hours under medical supervision. You will need to follow a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and pain relievers for 5-7 days after the surgery, in order to prevent infections and excessive inflammation.

Even on the operating table you will wear an elastic garment that you have to wear for two months postoperatively. Massage can be started from the 2nd postoperative week, on that garment, with an endermology machine's postliposuction program. The frequency of the massage sessions should not be very often, a weekly massage session is usually enough.

The massage should be practiced for support during all 6 months of healing.

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

Laxity of skin can occur at any level, including the arms. In this area it is very obvious and annoying. Laxity of skin occurs around the age of 40 years, and can be treated and prevented with massage and exercise. Recently methods to treat and prevent the onset of laxity appeared, namely laser therapy. As we age, skin laxaty will be even more significant and will require surgical correction.


The surgery involves the excision and ascension of excess skin in the arm, through an incision that will be placed in the armpit. This incision, in some cases, will be associated with another one, disposed in the longitudinal axis of the arm, and will be positioned on the inner surface. 

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia for reasons concerning the patient comfort. It is used both for women and men. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I know about the arm lift post-operative care?

Immediately after the surgery you need to remain in the clinic under medical care for 24 hours. After this you will be released and will have to follow an antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and pain reliever cpurse for 5 to 7 days. Stitches should be removed up to 12 days after the surgery and then you can clean the area with soap and water. Like in other body reshaping surgeries, it is mandatory to wear the elastic bandage prescribed by your surgeon. Massage is also welcomed and should be started right from the second week postoperatively. Scars have to be massaged with special products for scar remodeling for at least six months. 

How long does the recovery period last after the arm lift surgery?

Movement of the arms can be gradually resumed, except lifting them above shoulder level, this movement should be resumed as late as possible (after 3 or 4 weeks). If the arm is lifted overhead the postoperative scar will broaden, with the risk that it will be increasingly thicker during the 6 months of evolution. In these circumstances the use of silicone patches is more than welcome.

What are the contraindications of the arm lift surgery?

Because this intervention is complex, it requires general anesthesia. Serious cardiopulmonary diseases that increase the anesthetic risk are a contraindication for this surgery. Serious dermatological diseases, infectious disease, cachexia and diabetes are also contraindications for performing such a surgery. The patient should be informed of the residual postoperative scars, understand that he or she will remain with it for life and consent to this. The patient should also know that sometimes a correction is needed, corrections that can be made after 6 months of surgery.

What are the risks of the arm lift surgery?

Immediately after the surgery there are risks of infection, wound dehiscence, bleeding, serious inflammation etc. Remote risks are pathological scarring and local bumps.

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

Lifting the thigh consists of the ascension of the thighs tissue, especially of the posteriour and internal areas, and excising the excess skin. A scar remains in the groin and / or subfesier ditch area.

This surgery addresses patients with a large internal region of the thighs with lax skin, but also applies to the anterior and posterior thighs. It applies to both women and men. The results are better if the skin laxity is reduced.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and may be associated with lifting the other areas and with liposuction or lipectomia.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the recovery period after the thighs lifting surgery?

The recovery after surgery lasts 12 to 14 days, interval in which most stitches should be removed. After this period the patient can clean the operated area with warm water and soap, without removing any rush scabs. After all the scabs have fallen, scar modeling products can be used with application for a long time. Intense physical efforts, if any, may be resumed after 5-6 weeks. It is very important that the patient complies with the indication of wear an elastic garment for two months postoperatively. There are also recommended endermologic massage sessions done manually in order to obtain a more uniform result.

What are the contraindications for the thighs lifting surgery?

Because this is a complex intervention, it requires general anesthesia. Serious cardiopulmonary diseases are a contraindication for this surgery. Serious dermatological diseases, infectious diseases, cachexia and diabetes are also contraindications for performing such a surgery. The patient should be informed of the residual postoperative scars, that he or she will have them for life and needs to consent to this. The patient needs to know and that sometimes is needed another correction intervention. Corrections can be made after 6 months from the initial surgery.

What are the risks of the thighs lifting surgery?

Immediately after the surgery there are risks of infection, wound dehiscence, bleeding, important inflammation etc. Remote risks are pathological scarring and local bumps.

How will the thighs lifting postoperative scar look like?

The scars will be placed mainly in the groin area, at the boundary of the internal region of the thighs skin and vulvar or perineal region. If you also ascend the front of the thighs, the scar can go above the pubic area, sometimes extending to the side, in a region that can be hidden by the swimming suite (scars similar to those caused by abdominoplasty).

In the case of lifting the tissue from the posterior region of the thighs, the scar is extended back and will be "hidden" in the ditch under the buttocks. If the skin excess is very large, the scars described above will be associated with another vertical scar that will be positioned on the inner thigh.

What do I need to know about the thighs lifting postoperative care?

Immediately after the procedure you need to follow an antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and painkiller course, mandatory for about 1 week. After the extraction of the suture you have to use the scar shaping products mentioned above. They are applied once or twice a day with local massage solely on the scar. For the rest of the skin it is advisable to use a cream enriched with vitamin E.

From the second week after the surgery you can begin an endermology treatment, first over the elastic garment and then, from week 4, over the special endermology suit . The intensity of the massage will be adjusted so that it is below the pain.

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

The buttocks (gluteal) region may be ascended through a surgery that involves the excision of a circular "strip" of skin at the hip region. This technique will leave a quite unsightly circular scar. The operation is aimed at people who have large skin excess after diets that led to massive weight loss. 

The surgery can be practiced at the same time with an abdominoplasty correction to remove massive abdominal skin excess - which often goes to the back, so through a single incision in the abdomen both problems are fixed. Also it can be associated with liposuction and / or lipectomia to get a better body shape.

Frrequently Asked Questions

How long does the healing period last after a buttock lift surgery?

Immediately after the surgery and up to weeks after, the patient will be bandaged, after which time the suture material will be removed. Then the patient can clean the area with soap and water and use special creams for scar remodeling over a long period of minimum 6 months. It is also very important that the elastic garment is worn for at least 2 months postoperatively. The local evolution will be the better the better the hygiene is kept, the more strictly the patient adheres to using the elastic garment and specialized hand massage sessions or weekly endermologic sessions are appliedA very important role in healing well is the patient's way of healing and the tendency for pathological scarring. The patient's genetics greatly influence the healing process. If there is this tendency, the patient should be cautioned and must consent to the intervention even with this risk. 

How will the buttock lift postoperative scar evolve?

Immediately after the surgery the patient will find that the scar is red, sometimes bleeds and will be covered with a crust. After extracting the suture material, the wound should not be washed aggressively, and any "peel" should not be removed because they can turn into big scars. They will fall on their own when the tissue is sufficiently well formed. After all scabs have fallen is time to start using the anti-scar products that your doctor has prescribed for you. 

Are the buttock lift surgery results final?

The results can be maintained over a long period of time if there are no massive increases in weight and if care instructions are followed. 

What are the contraindications for the buttock lift surgery?

Because this is a complex intervention general anesthesia is needed. Serious cardiopulmonary diseases with increased anesthetic risk are a contraindication for this surgery. Serious dermatological diseases, infectious disease, cachexia and diabetes are also contraindications for performing this surgery. 

What are the risks of the buttock lift surgery?

Immediately after the surgery there are risks of infection, wound dehiscence, bleeding, important inflammation etc. Remote risks are pathological scarring and local bumps. 

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

This procedure is aimed primarily at people who were obese and who have managed to lose segnificant weight. In these conditions the remaining excess skin "hangs" disgracefully everywhere, in the arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, the thighs, the knees. It requires a generalized skin correction, correction that will leave major scars but will substantially improve the silhouette.

This intervention will only be done after the weight has stabilized and there is no risk for further accumulation of fat at the subcutaneous level.

The intervention can be done in one surgery, but it is best to be done in 2 or 3 steps so that the patient's recovery is as good as possible. Usually the interventions is started from the bottom up. Lifting the tissue in areas such as the arms, abdomen and breasts has no influence from tissues belonging to the lower rail.

The surgery plan will be established based on priorities, needs and desires of the patient. The scars will be arranged as mentioned in each chapter: abdominoplasty, thighs lift, buttock lift, arm lift, breast lift.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the contraindications of the total body lift surgery?

Because this intervention is complex, it requires general anesthesia. Serious cardiopulmonary diseases that increase the anesthetic risk are a contraindication for this surgery. Serious dermatological diseases, infectious diseas, cachexia, and diabetes are also contraindications for performing such a surgery. The patient should be informed of the residual postoperative scars, understand that he or she will remain with it for life and consent to it. The patient should also know that sometimes a correction is needed, correction that can be done after 6 months after the surgery.

What are the risks of the total body lift surgery?

Immediately after the surgery there are risks of infection, wound dehiscence, bleeding, serious inflammation etc. Remote risks are pathological scarring and bumps in the operated areas.

What are the recommended intervals between total body lift surgeries?

The intervention can be done in several stages, a few months apart. Correcting the thighs for example can be associated with the arms or breasts, because these areas evolve independently of eachother. Ascending the buttocks may be associated with abdominoplasty, as these two interventions may generate a single scar in the suprapubic region, continuing to the rear.

How long is the recovery period after a total body lift surgery?

The surgery plan has to take into account the need for the patient to lie supine, lateral or ventral, or be seated. Usually there are not considered in the same surgical stage elements on the front, rear and both sides. This would make it impossible for the patient to lie in bed!

What about the total body lift post-operative care?

This surgery requires 24 hours of postoperative hospitalization. After this you will be discharged and given a prescription of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and pain relievers that you will need to take for 5 to 7 days. It is advisable to wear the elastic garment that was prescribed for you. Resumption of daily activities will be done gradually. Also massages of the operated areas can be started right from the second postoperative week, gradually increasing the intensity. Very useful is the endermology massage.

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

A slender abdomen is important both in terms of health and aesthetics. A healthy diet and an exercise program for the abdomen are sometimes insufficient to eliminate the accumulation of fat and “skin falling away” in the abdominal area. In this case we can turn to abdominoplasty.

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, sometimes involving toning processes for the abdominal muscles.

Abdominoplasty can be complete or partial. During partial abdominoplasty only abdominal tissues below the navel are reshaped and mobilized, remaing in place. It can be associated with liposuction possibly in the upper abdomen and / or flanks.

If there is still an excessive laxity in the skin and upper abdomen (above the umbilicus) a total correction in the abdomen is required, complete abdominoplasty.

In this case the tissues above the umbilicus will also be mobilized and should be repositioned. It is a more extensive surgery that is often associated with liposuction, lipectomia or correction of the abdominal muscles diastasis (muscles are toned by suture).

In acest caz vor trebui mobilizate si tesuturile de mai sus de ombilic, iar acesta trebuie repozitionat. Este o operatie de mai mare anvergura la care adesea se asociaza lipoaspiratia flacurilor, lipectomia sau corectia diastazisului musculaturii abdominale (musculature se tonifica prin sutura)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is abdominoplasty recommended for me?

Abdominoplasty is designed for women and men in good physical condition but who have fallen abdominal skin with or without abdominal folds with increased volume. The best candidates for abdominoplasty meet this criteria:

  • Fallen excess loose abdominal skin
  • An abdomen that protrudes and is disproportionate to the body
  • Flaccid abdominal muscles due to multiple pregnancies or old age
  • Excess fat concentrated in the abdomen area

If you are planning to become pregnant or follow a weight loss diet, you should inform your surgeon about these plans.

Scars resulted from the abdominal surgeries may limit the results of the abdominoplasty.

What should I know about the abdominoplasty first consultation?

During your consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your physical and emotional health. You must be prepared to provide accurate and complete information about:

  • Surgery history
  • Past or present illness
  • Date of medication takens, including herbal remedies or dietary supplements

Your surgeon will assess:

  • the abdominal skin quality
  • the location of existing scars
  • the amount of excess fatty tissue
  • the status of your abdominal muscles

Your surgeon may suggest other treatments to achieve the desired results. For example, some patients may benefit from liposuction as the sole procedure in the abdomen.

What does the abdominoplasty surgery involve?

Generally a horizontal incision is placed just above the pubic area. The length of the incision, which lies between the two pelvic bones, depends on the amount of skin to be removed. In other words, the more skin is removed, the larger the incision will be. In women, the incision should be placed under the swimsuit line when possible. Skin that contains stretch marks may also be removed.

In people with a large amount of fallen skin a secondary incision can be made around the navel and is practiced a full abdominoplasty.

In this way the excess skin above the navel is separated from the deeper tissues, mobilized to the pubic area and then excised.

What other abdominoplasty methods are there?

Traditional abdominoplasty is the best method in some selected cases. Partial abdominoplasty, or "mini" abdominoplasty addresses the lower half of the abdomen and requires no incision around the navel. So this technique will not correct and fallen skin above the navel.

Liposuction as a single method may be beneficial if there is good skin elasticity and positive muscle tone.

What risks does the abdominoplasty surgery involve?

Every year thousands of people receive this intervention without experiencing major complications. During your consultation, your surgeon will provide information on both the risks and the benefits of this intervention. 

What about the abdominoplasty preoperative preparations?

Once established the day of the surgery, you will receive information on both the preoperative and the postoperative period:

  • You should avoid medications that may complicate surgery or recovery
  • Avoid smoking for a period of at least two weeks before and after the surgery
  • Some clinical and laboratory investigations are needed to assess your health status.

Abdominoplasty is performed in an operating room under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. You will be given proper medication to get the desired comfort throughout the procedure.

What should I know about the abdominoplasty postoperative period?

After the surgery you will be taken to a recovery room. Most often during the surgery there will be drainage pipes installed to prevent fluid accumulation. Any form of discomfort is prevented by specific medication. The surgeon will bandage you with elastic bandages. As soon as possible, you are advised to resume your activities. Although every body heals differently, we can draw some general guidelines:

First week:

  • the drain tubes are removed
  • the suture material is removed (sometimes after 10-12 days)
  • bruising and swelling reaches its maximum in this period

After 7-8 weeks:

  • You can stop wearing the elastic garment
  • You can gradually increased the complexity of the exercises
  • Bruising and swelling will diminish gradually and the final results starts to be visible.
  • You should start therapeutic massages, the most appropriate type of massage being the endermologic massage.

After 3-4 months:

  • The final results of the intervention appear
  • Numbness and restraint disappear, the incision line begins to blur
  • In the months following this procedure it is important to give your skin that extra care by avoiding sun exposure and avoiding dark clothes on sunny days. Heat absorbed by the dark color of the clothes can cause burns to the skin and complicate the recovery.

How will the postoperative period be?

Immediately after the surgery you will see a noticeable difference in terms of your body shape. Many patients find this change a source of increasing self-confidence.

Abdominoplasty has long-lasting results unless there is an important increase in weight. Over time gravity and the aging process may cause a loss of skin elasticity. In this case, your surgeon will suggest additional treatments to restore a more natural abdominal contour.

More postoperative checkups are necessary to allow your doctor to evaluate the results over a longer time.

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

A slender abdomen is important both in terms of health and aesthetics. A healthy diet and an exercise program for the abdomen are sometimes insufficient to eliminate the accumulation of fat and “skin falling away” in the abdominal area. In this case we can turn to abdominoplasty.

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, sometimes involving toning processes for the abdominal muscles.

Abdominoplasty can be complete or partial. During partial abdominoplasty only abdominal tissues below the navel are reshaped and mobilized, remaing in place. It can be associated with liposuction possibly in the upper abdomen and / or flanks.

If there is still an excessive laxity in the skin and upper abdomen (above the umbilicus) a total correction in the abdomen is required, complete abdominoplasty.

In this case the tissues above the umbilicus will also be mobilized and should be repositioned. It is a more extensive surgery that is often associated with liposuction, lipectomia or correction of the abdominal muscles diastasis (muscles are toned by suture).

In acest caz vor trebui mobilizate si tesuturile de mai sus de ombilic, iar acesta trebuie repozitionat. Este o operatie de mai mare anvergura la care adesea se asociaza lipoaspiratia flacurilor, lipectomia sau corectia diastazisului musculaturii abdominale (musculature se tonifica prin sutura)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is abdominoplasty recommended for me?

Abdominoplasty is designed for women and men in good physical condition but who have fallen abdominal skin with or without abdominal folds with increased volume. The best candidates for abdominoplasty meet this criteria:

  • Fallen excess loose abdominal skin
  • An abdomen that protrudes and is disproportionate to the body
  • Flaccid abdominal muscles due to multiple pregnancies or old age
  • Excess fat concentrated in the abdomen area

If you are planning to become pregnant or follow a weight loss diet, you should inform your surgeon about these plans.

Scars resulted from the abdominal surgeries may limit the results of the abdominoplasty.

What should I know about the abdominoplasty first consultation?

During your consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your physical and emotional health. You must be prepared to provide accurate and complete information about:

  • Surgery history
  • Past or present illness
  • Date of medication takens, including herbal remedies or dietary supplements

Your surgeon will assess:

  • the abdominal skin quality
  • the location of existing scars
  • the amount of excess fatty tissue
  • the status of your abdominal muscles

Your surgeon may suggest other treatments to achieve the desired results. For example, some patients may benefit from liposuction as the sole procedure in the abdomen.

What does the abdominoplasty surgery involve?

Generally a horizontal incision is placed just above the pubic area. The length of the incision, which lies between the two pelvic bones, depends on the amount of skin to be removed. In other words, the more skin is removed, the larger the incision will be. In women, the incision should be placed under the swimsuit line when possible. Skin that contains stretch marks may also be removed.

In people with a large amount of fallen skin a secondary incision can be made around the navel and is practiced a full abdominoplasty.

In this way the excess skin above the navel is separated from the deeper tissues, mobilized to the pubic area and then excised.

What other abdominoplasty methods are there?

Traditional abdominoplasty is the best method in some selected cases. Partial abdominoplasty, or "mini" abdominoplasty addresses the lower half of the abdomen and requires no incision around the navel. So this technique will not correct and fallen skin above the navel.

Liposuction as a single method may be beneficial if there is good skin elasticity and positive muscle tone.

What risks does the abdominoplasty surgery involve?

Every year thousands of people receive this intervention without experiencing major complications. During your consultation, your surgeon will provide information on both the risks and the benefits of this intervention. 

What about the abdominoplasty preoperative preparations?

Once established the day of the surgery, you will receive information on both the preoperative and the postoperative period:

  • You should avoid medications that may complicate surgery or recovery
  • Avoid smoking for a period of at least two weeks before and after the surgery
  • Some clinical and laboratory investigations are needed to assess your health status.

Abdominoplasty is performed in an operating room under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. You will be given proper medication to get the desired comfort throughout the procedure.

What should I know about the abdominoplasty postoperative period?

After the surgery you will be taken to a recovery room. Most often during the surgery there will be drainage pipes installed to prevent fluid accumulation. Any form of discomfort is prevented by specific medication. The surgeon will bandage you with elastic bandages. As soon as possible, you are advised to resume your activities. Although every body heals differently, we can draw some general guidelines:

First week:

  • the drain tubes are removed
  • the suture material is removed (sometimes after 10-12 days)
  • bruising and swelling reaches its maximum in this period

After 7-8 weeks:

  • You can stop wearing the elastic garment
  • You can gradually increased the complexity of the exercises
  • Bruising and swelling will diminish gradually and the final results starts to be visible.
  • You should start therapeutic massages, the most appropriate type of massage being the endermologic massage.

After 3-4 months:

  • The final results of the intervention appear
  • Numbness and restraint disappear, the incision line begins to blur
  • In the months following this procedure it is important to give your skin that extra care by avoiding sun exposure and avoiding dark clothes on sunny days. Heat absorbed by the dark color of the clothes can cause burns to the skin and complicate the recovery.

How will the postoperative period be?

Immediately after the surgery you will see a noticeable difference in terms of your body shape. Many patients find this change a source of increasing self-confidence.

Abdominoplasty has long-lasting results unless there is an important increase in weight. Over time gravity and the aging process may cause a loss of skin elasticity. In this case, your surgeon will suggest additional treatments to restore a more natural abdominal contour.

More postoperative checkups are necessary to allow your doctor to evaluate the results over a longer time.

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

Leg implants are produced in the same range as breast implants, containing cohesive silicone gel. Their shape varies, being usually fusiform or "crescent". There are several options and sizes to meet any patient's wishes.

Using leg implants is an intervention that enjoys a high degree of patient satisfaction, this operation permanently solving the problem feet "in brackets".

The incision is made at the level of the natural wrinkle on the back of the knee (popliteal area). The scar will be very little visible in this area.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long after a shank implant surgery can I walk?

Walking can be resumed a few days after the surgery. Because the implants are inserted between the calf muscles, some days of rest without walking are needed. Walking will be resumed using 5 cm heels that will be worn for several months postoperatively. It is also required that the area is covered in elastic bandages or that the patient wears medical elastic stockings 2 months postoperatively.

What about the shank implant postoperative care?

After the surgery you will remain under medical surveillance for 24 hours. The next day you will bre discharged and receive a prescription for antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and pain relievers that you will have to take for 5 to 7 days. The sutures are removed 12 to 14 days after the surgery and then you can clean the area with soap and warm water. After all the scabs have fallen you may apply special scar remodeling products. UV exposure is forbidden as long as the scar is immature.

What are the contraindications of the shank implant surgery?

Because this intervention is complex, it requires general anesthesia. Serious cardiopulmonary diseases that increase the anesthetic risk are a contraindication for this surgery. Serious dermatological diseases, infectious disease, cachexia and diabetes are also contraindications for performing such a surgery. 

What are the risks of the shank implant surgery?

Immediately after the surgery there are risks of infection, wound dehiscence, bleeding, serious inflammation etc. Remote risks are pathological scarring, unevenness in the operated areas, migration of implants, capsular contracture as with breast enlargement with silicone implants etc.  

Although these treatments are very effective, 1% of the patients do not achieve the desired results!

Suna Acum